Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Ever since I was young, I have always known that I want to pursue a career in writing. In what capacity, I didn't know--that changed daily, just like my favorite ice cream flavor. (Making decisions was never my forte.)
Anyway, I never truly considered the journalism avenue until signing up for Intro to Journalism my sophomore year; I had always thought that new writing was stuffy, bland, uncreative. However, after being exposed to various styles of journalistic writing, I realized that the journalist must be very creative indeed: posing the right questions, coming up with an enticing lead, and deciding how to organize the article.
And so, I decided to join The Torch. I've been writing for The Torch for two semester now, and while I feel that I have learned a lot about feature writing, I am really looking forward to learning the ins and outs of news writing. Also, I am interested in exploring the different technologies that have come to be so prominent in the journalism world.

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