Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Blog about Blogging

Before this class, the thought of blogging had never really occurred to me. To be honest, I just thought the blogging world was meant for spoiled, angst-y teenagers who used blogging as a venting outlet, complaining about how life isn't fair, all the while sipping on their mocha lattes and typing on $2000 macs.

However, since this class, I have realized that blogging is so much more than that. It is a way to connect, a way to get relevant information, and (my favorite) a way to be creative.

A person who is all about the details in writing, I love the fact that blogs allow writers to fully express the scene so that many times, I feel like I am right there with the writer. I also love being able to read classmates' takes on current issues and hot topics, and being able to connect with the 'universal' undertone that is present in so many peoples' blogs.

Therefore, I think that blogging is a good component to this class; not only because of its relevancy, connectivity and creativity, but also because it is the way in which the world is moving: towards the age of ever-increasing technology.

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