Sunday, September 21, 2014

We're Gonna Make This Place Your Home

Bid Day: Black and Crimson streamers hanging from the banister, pearl-white balloons littering the carpet, gaggles of giggling girls 'crafting' signs--if there was ever a time for be to embrace my inner sorority girl, today was it. Because today, the women of Alpha Delta Pi welcomed 11 new members into the sisterhood.

Amid the incessant chants of "Boom-boom I wanna go ADPi" and the squeals of delight at having captured the perfect picture on the steps of the house, we all waited in anticipation for the calls of new members accepting their bids.

Not even two years ago, I would have mocked all of this. I considered myself to be more of a tomboy, an introvert, an athlete: the antithesis of a 'sorority girl.' Honestly, if someone had told me in high school that I would be into the sorority life, I probably would have laughed in that person's face. But indeed, that sorority world has become my own. Not my entire world, maybe just a hemisphere, but nevertheless, it is still there.Always.

And that's the thing: my sorority and the 80-something new sisters that I have gained are always there, even in times when I don't think that I need them.

 They were there at the finish line of the sweltering-hot All-Ohio Cross country meet, toting 'Go Sarah!' posters along with their totes. They were there with words of encouragement when my fingers and my mind were at a disconnect and I couldn't seem to play the piano to save my life. They were there with chocolate and chick flicks when my heart was torn out of my chest and smashed on the cold, hard ground.

 And I know that some would scoff at that statement. I mean, really. How can a group of sorority girls really ALWAYS be there? Aren't sorority girls supposed to be catty? And I will tell you that yes, collectively and individually, we have had our problems, but somehow we manage to work through them.

And that is why no matter how tired and worn out all of the bid day festivities had me, by eight o' clock, I felt like I was just riding a wave of energy as I thought about welcoming home 11 new women into our supportive sisterhood.

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