Saturday, October 4, 2014


Joyce Carol Oates--this slight-framed seventy six year old with the somewhat wild curls has done a lot in her lifetime. And I mean A LOT.

A novelist, playwright, poet, short story writer and professor--she has had dozens upon dozens of works published, including over 40 novels!

So why is it then, that when this world-renowned genius graces Wittenberg's campus with her presence, many Wittenberg students can't even muster up enough respect to glance away from their phones for more than thirty seconds at a time, and what's more, can't even exhibit enough respect and human decency to stay the extra fifteen minutes for the Q&A session?!

Now, before anyone takes up the defensive, I understand that the lecture/topic didn't appeal to everyone, I understand that some students have other commitments that require them to dip out early, and I understand that yes, it is hard to pay attention to someone--particularly someone with a quiet, lulling voice--read from a story for about a half an hour.

But, that being said I still think that it is a matter of basic human etiquette and therefore inexcusable for students resort to 'passing the time' on yik yak or Twitter before Oates had even gotten two minutes in to her reading. (And don't even get me started on some of the comments on yik yak--ranging from cruel and vulgar to just downright disgusting).

Wittenberg--the dear university that we call home--was able to snag such a prolific author to be a speaker at our event at our tiny campus, probably in hopes that she could pass some of her light and extensive knowledge onto us. And yet, many extinguished that potential passing of light by reverting instead to the artificial light emanating from their phone screens.

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