Sunday, October 5, 2014

Response to "Is the HPER doing too much?"

Is the HPER center doing too much in regard to all of the new rules and procedures? I think that yes, absolutely yes they are.

 In her blog, I believe that Ciara brought up a lot of good points. The main new procedure that I have an issue with is that all people need to present an ID upon entering the building. I do understand the thought process behind this new rule--safety and all that.

But, as a student athlete who regularly uses the HPER center (sometimes multiple times a day), I really do resent this new rule. A lot of times, coming back from a workout I do not have my ID on me and other times I have honestly just forgotten it (I'll be the first to admit that I tend to be absent minded on occasion). Because of my failure to present my ID I actually have been turned away on more than one occasion, by a person whom I know personally.

Additionally, I think that students (if there is no other work to be done, which from what it looks like in the HPER, there usually isn't) should be able to do some light reading or studying, instead of having to sit at a desk for mind-numbing hours at a time, twiddling their thumbs, wasting time.

Honestly, I don't think that there was much wrong with the procedures that were in place to begin with, and so to revert back to the old saying: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

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